Here is a Q&A with singer-songwriter and musician Hannah Faulkner. She talks about her experiences in music.

Where did it all start for you getting into music?
I have always enjoyed singing and my Pap was a singer, so I looked up to him. I started singing at Karaoke's with my Pap when I was 5/6 years old and then I would perform at talent shows at Upper School, and on my 16th birthday my parents bought me a beautiful black acoustic crafter guitar and I started to write my own songs which was a game changer for me because that one gift changed my life.
Who are your influences?
I grew up listening to Whitney Houston as she was the greatest vocalist of all time, there will never ever be anyone who competes, hands down. I love Soul music so Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross and Joss Stone the list is endless. And I’m absolutely loving Becky Hill at the minute too, such a powerhouse.
With your music where do you tend to get your inspiration from e.g., how do you start your songs & what's your process?
I find it hard to write songs unless I’ve experienced something, so a lot of what I write is therapy Haha! Nine times out of 10 a lyric or melody will come into my head just as i’s drifting off, so I always keep a pen & notepad next to my bed.
How do you decide what songs to cover?
Since lockdown happened, I decided to scrap all the covers I was performing and start a fresh, and honestly whatever I listen to on the vinyl at home it’s what I play when I’m out and about. To be honest I try and learn a few new songs every week which consists of something old, something new in the charts and something I have completely never heard of and challenge myself. I need to actually like the song myself in order to perform it and always try and switch it up.
How important is it do you feel it is to listen to current music as well as music from the past?
To be honest it’s important to listen to old, new and all genres in my eyes to appreciate what you like.
Do you feel it is important to watch other acts perform and to watch other live music?
Yes 100%. My favourite quote is “Be the person you wanted when you were younger”. I always support other artists and try and give them a little platform, because it's something I needed when I was younger. To be honest it doesn’t matter what age you are this stands for all artists, there no excuse you need to support one another.
Finally what tips do you have for anyone starting out when it comes to making music & performing live?
Get out to an open mic and start meeting other artists who are new or well established and start networking. The more gigs I did the more opportunities I would get and more music friends I would make, this still stands now over 10 years later.
To find out more about Hannah, go to
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