Originally posted on May 15th 2020 here is a Q&A with singer-songwriter Kayla Vega. She talked about her experiences in music.

Where did it all start for you getting into music?
I honestly don’t remember when I first got into music because I was so young, but I have been told I was 2. I loved to sing all of the time. It really started in 2001 when I started watching American Idol. I instantly fell in love with Kelly Clarkson. It clicked that my passion for music and singing could be a career path. I started songwriting when I was 13 and I got my first guitar on Christmas of 2010 when I was 15. That is still the best day of my life since the guitar has been a pioneer to the real “start” of my musical journey. Who are your influences? I am heavily influenced by 70’s music, especially Linda Ronstadt, Carole King for songwriting, James Taylor, and Elton John: just to name a few. My modern influence is Taylor Swift. Her songs were the first songs I learned on the guitar, and I love her songwriting as well. I love the storytelling aspect, and I incorporate that into my music as well.

With your music where do you tend to get your inspiration from e.g how do you start your songs & what's your process?
My process starts with not knowing what to do, which sounds silly. After contemplating where to start, I usually think of a witty one liner that I can envision as a hook. From there, I build around the one liner. Whenever I get stuck, I consult my keyboard or my guitar to see if a melody or a chord progression strikes any further thoughts. I repeat the process until I have a completed song. It also helps me to listen to a song that I know, that could inspire me to have a certain feel or vibe.
Kayla Vega - Wishing Well (Original Song)
How do you decide on what songs to cover?
I basically sing a song that reflects whatever mood I’m in. As of late, I’ve been trying to sing a lot of uplifting and hopeful songs. Those types of songs have been helping me through what’s going on in the world, and I hope they help others as well. I also try to sing something that no one else is currently doing. It’s easy to follow the Top 40 trend, but I try to steer away from the Top 40 and sing what I feel suits my voice and my brand better.
How important is it do you feel it is to listen to current music as well as music from the past?
I feel it is very important to be educated in all genres and decades of music. Today’s music has evolved from our predecessors and we should really be thankful for those pioneers. Some of my favourite lyrics and songs have been inspired from some of the most iconic artists of the past. Heck, some of my lyrics and songs are inspired from artists of the past. To me, it pays homage to the artists, songwriters, producers etc before us who paved the way for the art we can create today.

Do you feel it is important to watch other acts perform and to watch other live music?
YES! I’m a huge fan of live music and concerts. I think there is a lot to learn from others performers, especially more seasoned ones. I’ve been to a handful of concerts, and I take mental note of what fascinates me and how I could somehow incorporate that type of energy in my shows. Elton John and Ed Sheeran, for example, make me feel comfortable that a showman doesn’t need to do choreography or have huge bells and whistles to have an AMAZING concert.
Finally what tips do you have for anyone starting out when it comes to making music & performing live?
Making music sometimes won’t happen overnight, and that’s okay! When you first start, it might be difficult but give it time. Don’t trash ideas that you think are stupid, because you’ll come across it at a later time and might really love it. Have fun while performing live. It’s normal to be nervous, but the people are there to hear you and your talent. They’ll love you! Stay loose, stay hydrated, and sing those songs like they’re your own (if they’re covers, of course)!

Find out more about Kayla at www.kaylavega.com!
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