So you don't live close to the Bedford area or you live in another part of the country or the world. If you still want to improve your songwriting or performance skills then why not do it through an online 1 to 1 lesson. I'm currently doing lessons through Skype or Facebook video chat.
Even if you do live local it could be an option being convenient saving time and money on travel by doing it online.
Here are parts of 2 example online lessons to give you a feel of what they are like.
One songwriting lesson & one live performance lesson.
This is a student who I have been giving songwriting lessons to. She's located in Canada which shows it doesn't matter where you are in the world to get 1 on 1 help with your songwriting.

This is a student who is actually local to me, however sometimes it's easier to have a lesson from the comfort of your own home without the hassle and expense of travelling.
So if you're local or from another part of the world there is still the opportunity to have 1 on 1 time to improve your performance skills.
Example of an online lesson
Online Skype Songwriting lesson (Example)
Online Skype Live
Performance Lesson (Example)